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Savage - Clemente's Last Run: A Biker Romance Page 2

It was going to be a long night.

  Chapter Four – Callie

  For an hour we sat quietly, staring at the low ceiling of the berth. I caught him glancing my way a few times. I felt as if he were looking at my chest.

  I wasn’t quite sure, so the next time I thought he was doing it, I made it a point to yawn and push my chest outwards. His eyes lingered longer, but still I couldn’t quite know if he were doing it purposefully.

  One last test. I yawned loudly, extending my arms over my head and as I lowered them, I ran them along the sides of my breasts. His eyes practically bugged out of his head as he shifted his position on the ground.

  I had no idea why I had felt the need to test the very dangerous man. The answer was obvious, no exam had been needed. Men stare at boobs.

  My provocative behavior was the problem, not him. At least in terms of sexual harassment. I pulled my knees up to my chest, closed my eyes and recited the Lord’s Prayer under my breath.

  Clearly I needed help, not just to be away from him, but to protect myself against making anymore childish and impulsive decisions. The man had declared himself not a rapist, and there was no real reason not to believe him. My test was foolish and reckless.

  I was also hungry.

  I was about to mention this to him, even though I didn’t think he would do anything about it. His stomach grumbled loudly before I had a chance. “Should I go and get us something to eat?” I innocently asked.

  “I’ll go get us some food.” He stood up and brushed away the dirt from his backside, all the while pointing the gun in my direction. Excellent coordination. “Do you have any rope or maybe a belt in your bag, so I can tie you up?”

  “No…” I shot up out of my seat, “You may not tie me up. This is ridiculous, and please put the gun away. What if the train bumps? You could accidentally shoot me, then how would you feel?”

  “I would feel bad, because I would have to jump off a moving train to escape the commotion it would cause. The landing could scrape up my jacket.” He slyly smiled to me, but did not lower the gun.

  “What does that mean, Enfer’s Vengeance?” His jacket was a thick well-worn leather with a saucer-sized discreet patch above his waist, stating Enfer’s Vengeance in orange and blue.

  “You don’t speak French at all?” He hit his forehead with the flat of his hand as if I were an idiot, “Enfer means Hell, and I think even a pretty little girl like you can figure out what Vengeance means.”

  “I’m nineteen, hardly a little girl and I really don’t think you’re much older than me. Also, I came here for a semester abroad to study French but now I’ve been kidnapped and my best friends are crazed drug fiends…” Tears flooded down my face and I fell back down into the seat, “I’m having the worst time.”

  “Listen,” he sat down beside, “I didn’t want to ruin your rich girl trip or terrorize you with a gun… This is all going to be over soon, and I’m not going to tie you up.”

  “You won’t?” I lifted my head and asked. His dark eyes bore a hole into my being. I looked back down, embarrassed.

  “Don’t get too excited, I’m keeping the gun on you. Come on stand up,”

  We stood up together, “This is how we’ll do this, and one deviation from the plan and I’ll shoot—

  “I know, I know, you’ll shoot me. I get it—

  “I’m not going to shoot you,” He wrapped his arm around my waist. I could feel the gun buried in the space between us, “I’ll shoot the food server. So don’t fuck around. We’ll walk like this, like we’re a couple.”

  “Well… Thank you, but why do we need to walk with the gun held to my back if you’re not going to shoot me?”

  “I didn’t say I would never shoot you,” He pulled me closer, pushing my head down on his broad and muscular shoulder, “I need you to remember at all times that I’m dangerous. I need to keep you on your toes. I don’t want you to try to be a hero.”

  “Okay,” I didn’t know what else to say. I liked the feel of being in his arms. I briefly wondered if I were coming down with Stockholm Syndrome.

  “Ready?” He took a step forward, dragging me along.

  “Aren’t you worried about the conductor seeing you?”

  “He did his rounds, earned his pay. There’s no way he can remember everyone on the train, besides he probably fell asleep already. It’s late.”

  Our walk down the narrow, bumping hallway was smooth. Our bodies moved as one. He held me closer if that were possible, nuzzling his chin into my hair. My criminal was quite a good actor.

  Chapter Five – Clement

  I was right about the conductor being asleep. He was snoring in the seating section behind the first class berths. Callie laughed at the sight of him. I held her closer to shut her up.

  I was feeling pretty manly dragging her along with me. She felt real in my arms, and I wanted to stick the gun in the back of my pants. She wasn’t going to yell out or cause a commotion. She seemed mildly excited by the danger.

  The dining car was empty other than the counterman and an older couple sitting at one of the small square tables. I slipped the gun into the back of pants. Callie didn’t notice.

  “Two pancetta baguettes, a bag of oranges and two bottles of wine.” I let go of her for a moment in order to get my wallet out of my pocket.

  I watched her very closely. Not a peep or tremor of uncertainty showed in her demeanor. It was as if she had forgotten what had brought us together. Her blues eyes sparkled, and full lips were set in a half smile.

  “Young love,” The elderly couple called out to us and raised their glasses.

  For their benefit, or in order to keep up our act, or because I wanted to, I bent Callie backwards into a tango pose, and gave her a loud smack on the lips. She laughed as I lifted her back up. “We’re hoping it lasts as long as yours.” I replied to the couple.

  “Come on, let’s go.’ I gestured my head towards our berth in first class.

  “I don’t drink, could I get some water? I’m very thirsty.”

  “Why don’t you drink? I thought alcohol was like water for American college students.”

  “Maybe,” She shrugged, “But I’m… Catholic. I go to St. Anne’s in Boston… It’s a different culture.’

  “Okay,” I turned to the counterman, “a large bottle of Evian too.”

  Transaction taken care of, we headed back to the room.

  I spread out a towel from the bathroom on the floor and laid our food on it.

  “You know the table unfolds, right? We don’t have to sit on the ground. This is first class.”

  “I’m fine down here.” I tore into my sandwich, gnawing it. I was starving.

  “I’ll sit up here.” She sat down on the beach seat.

  “Suit yourself, rich girl.”

  “Nothing wrong with being a rich girl, or having manners.”

  “You think I’m a barbarian? A Neanderthal?” I ripped the edge off my sandwich as if I were a rabid dog.

  “Maybe,” She laughed, but seemed a little uncomfortable, “Why—

  “Why did I take over you room? Hold you hostage?”


  “The less you know the better… Whatever,” I patted the ground next to me, “Sit down and I’ll tell you the story. You’re going to have to drink a glass of wine too.”

  “I can’t do that.” She said as she down across from me and picked up her baguette.

  “You can and you will.” I reached out and stroked her cheek. Why? I don’t know. To cover my confusion, I thrust a glass of wine at her.

  “I guess it will be okay, I mean I don’t have a choice.” She drank the glass down in one gulp.

  “Very American. In France, we savor it.” I took a delicate sip, making her laugh, and then drained the glass as she had done.

  “Are you really French? Your English is perfect.”

  “I was born in New York, lived my first twelve years there. My father died, alcoholism,” I filled up my glass a
gain and drained it for emphasis, “and my mother, a French woman, moved us to Paris. She died a year later. I grew up on the streets. Enfer’s Vengeance took me in, raised me.”

  “I’m so sorry,” She placed her hand over mine, sympathetically. I shook it away. Cute as she was, I didn’t want anyone’s pity. I was my own man. I took care of myself.

  “Don’t be… I was the errand boy, doing all the dirty work for the club, but now once I get the package back to Paris, I’ll be a full brother.”

  “A full brother? What kind of club? You keep mentioning club, and I really don’t know what you mean.”

  “Bike Club,” I took off my jacket and rolled up my shirt sleeve to show her my E.V branded tattoo.

  Her eyes widened and her body recoiled. Where had this girl come from? I didn’t know they still made them this innocent.

  “The deal went bad, and there’s going to be genuine Hell to pay. That’s how I ended up here… with you”

  “What happened? What package?”

  “The Spaniards tried to screw us over. They failed. Nobody fucks with me. The package? Heroin.”

  “You’re a drug dealer?” She jumped up and ran to the door. I was on her before her hand could reach the knob.

  “No, What I do isn’t your business, and never will be. The women stay out of it, except for Marie… She’s one of our leaders, doesn’t matter. The less you know, the better. E.V’s making good on an old deal… Nothing to do with me, though I can’t say the same for all the members.” I led her, maybe with a little force back to our spot on the floor.

  “Who are you?”

  “I am Clement.”

  Chapter Six – Callie

  How could I have ever thought for a moment… Never mind what I thought. This man, Clement was not just dangerous but a degenerate. All I wanted to do was get away from him as he sat me down on the floor and handed me another glass of wine.

  The way he held me in the dining car, and leaned me backwards for the kiss on the lips. I knew he was being playful and it was part of his act, but it felt so real. The man was evil, a psychopath. He was a drug dealer. The worst scum of the Earth.

  “I want you to let me go.” I plainly stated.

  “In the morning, you’ll be free to leave, forget all of this ever happened.”

  “I’m not comfortable with…”

  “With who I am? Now? After I’ve held a gun on you for the past four hours. It’s the heroin in my bag that scares you?” He threw his head back in laughter.

  I didn’t find anything funny about this at all.

  “You Americans… Guns are good, a little bit of drugs are bad. Puritans, the Brits were lucky to be rid of all of you.”

  “I didn’t like the gun and I don’t like you. How can we be so different? We’re practically the same age.” I screamed at him.

  He grabbed my hand and pulled me close, “Don’t scream again, do you understand me?”

  “Yes, please let go of my hand. You’re hurting me.”

  He loosened his grip and held my hand up to his lips and kissed it gently.

  “I’m twenty-three and we’re not so different.”

  “Oh please, of course we are. We couldn’t be more different.”

  “There’s a game, an American girl came into the club bar and taught it to me. She said it’s popular in your country—

  “Our country,” I corrected him.

  “See? We even have our birth country in common. Back to the game, one of us says to the other, I have never, and if one of us has done it, we have to take a drink.”

  “I’m not going to play a drinking game—

  “It’ll be fun, come on. I’ll go first. I’ve never been to Boston.”

  “That’s not fair,” I laughed and felt myself warming up to him again. I took a very small sip. “I’ve never held a gun on anyone.”

  “You’re good, you get the game.” He took a larger sip, more of a small gulp. “I’ve never been in love.”

  I didn’t take a sip, “I’ve never killed a man.”

  “Very quick… You want to know what kind of man I am. Notice I’m not taking a drink… I have never had a one night stand with a man.”

  I felt the flush of the wine warming me, loosing my tongue, “Very clever, specifying a man. I’m sure there have been many women, and please notice I’m not taking a drink.”

  “Not so clever, I was sure of the answer, more of a wasted question. You forgot your turn.”

  “I have never been kissed on the steps of Versailles…” I leaned into him and whispered.

  “I have never been kissed on the floor of a train.” He whispered back to me.

  “I have never been kissed.”

  “That will change right now.”

  Chapter Seven – Clement

  I pushed her long golden hair from her face and looked deep into her eyes. How could such a girl exist? Someone so beautiful, left untouched. Her eyes were wide with a mixture of fear and invitation.

  I held her face and lowered my lips onto hers, gentle kisses across her cheeks, nuzzling my nose into her neck. She sighed heavily, leaning closer to me. My lips finally on hers, our mouths slightly open, or tongues tangling together.

  I pulled her onto my lap. The spread of her long legs ground against my hardness. She wrapped her arms around me, our mouths deeper into each other’s, her heavy breasts pressed tightly on my chest.

  The breasts… The fullness of them. My cock throbbed at thought of them. I pulled away and lifted her top off. Her bra was too tight, as if to hold back the bounty, deprive me of what was rightfully mine.

  I released the clasp and they sprang to life before me. I felt as if I were about to come. The girl who had never been kissed before was more than ready for the touch of my hands. The blush of her hard nipples beckoned my tongue.

  I took the mounds in my hands, gently squeezing them, flicking my tongue against the ruby of her nipples. She ran her hands through my hair, and lightly grinded against my crotch.

  “You’re beautiful,” I grunted between hard sucks of her nipples.

  I couldn’t take it, I tore off my t-shirt and held her chest against mine, all the while kissing her, rubbing her back. She was limp in my arms, as if she didn’t know what to do, but at the same time she was greedy for pleasure, rubbing herself against the bulge in my pants, right into what could only be the sweetness of her.

  “Clement…” She moaned and threw her head back as if she had come. Could she be so sensitive? There was only one way to find out.

  I gently laid her on the ground and unbuttoned her pants, pulling them off. She wore large white panties, better suited for a much older woman. The crotch had a satin of wetness. I leaned down and licked the flavor off the cotton and felt her clit beneath my tongue.

  Sitting up again I looked at her, her vulnerable glow, her hungry eyes. I quickly pulled her underwear off. I wanted to bury my face in her sweetness but I resisted.

  Instead, I took my finger and ran into her wetness, bringing it back to my mouth to lick the fragrance of her. She reached out for my hand. I knew where she wanted me to put it.

  I teased her instead, lightly feathering her wet clit. She clasped her legs tighter, drawing me deeper into her sweetness. “You want it this way…” I whispered to her.

  “Clement,” She moaned again.

  I fingered her gently. My index finger moving in and out slowly, my thumb on her pulsating clit. Her hips moved side to side. She looked as if she were about to come.

  I made my move, onto my knees, I knelt before. My tongue darting over the bumps and folds of her. Her pulsating sweetness. I lapped at her, sucking gently until I felt the crescendo of her coming and her thighs closing tightly on my neck.

  She came and came. The girl was mine. I might as well have branded her.

  I sat up and tore off my pants. My cock shot out, a drop of wetness on the tip. I leaned over her…

  Chapter Eight – Callie

  “Clement…” I coul
dn’t get my words out. My body… I had never felt this way before. It was as if I were vibrating.

  “I need you, Callie,” He leaned over me, kissing my neck, the hardness of him pressing against my most tender spot.

  “I think I feel the same way… but, I’m a virgin… I can’t have this be my first time, on the dirty floor of a train.”

  “We’re in first class… the floor’s clean.” He laughed into my chest and swirled his tongue on my nipple. My resolve shook. I could never have imagined anyone ever making me feel the way he did.

  “I can’t, not like this.”

  “I get it. Nobody’s ever going to hurt you, especially not me.” He sat up and stared down at me. His smile, so playful with a trace of darkness.

  “What am I going to do with this?” He laughed again as he held his private part in his hand. It was the size of a yam. I wondered if that was normal. I wondered if it would hurt.

  “I could—

  “No you couldn’t,” He leaned down and gave me a peck on the lips, “Not until you’re ready but you could help me with it…”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Sit up,” He gently lifted me in to a sitting position and ran his hands and tongue against my breasts again. I never wanted to put my top back on again. I felt so adored. “Here, give me your hand.”

  He took my hand and licked my palm up and down, several times, and placed it on him. He put his hand over mine and the two of us rubbed it up and down, very slowly. He stared into my eyes the entire time.

  “You’re good at this.” His voice was low and husky. I’m sure mine was too.

  “You’re a good guide.” I wanted to do more for him. So much more, but I didn’t know how.

  He moaned loudly, and I felt a warm wetness on my hands. He let go of me and held his hand up to my lips. I licked it clean.

  “You’re good, and we’ve only just begun…”

  “I have never done this before.” I laughed thinking of our game.

  “I have never felt this way before.” He didn’t laugh, he looked me straight in the eye, “You’re mine.”